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Welcome to the Rhode Island Short Term Rental Association. We are a group of independent homeowners who rent our homes on a short term basis, whether full time or just part of the year. Some of us have properties that have been providing rental income for generations, others have newly acquired property as a means to make a living for ourselves and our children, still others are senior citizens or veterans, searching for ways to remain in our homes and maintain a quality of life in the state that we love. You’ll read some of our stories here, but the common bond that connects us is this: We love Rhode Island and all this wonderful state has to offer, we are deeply ingrained in the fabric of the communities in which we own property, and we seek to preserve a means to generate income in a responsible way.


A big part of our mission is to be advocates for our members and our communities at the Rhode Island General Assembly and in municipalities throughout the state. This year, we currently have a number of pieces of legislation introduced that threaten any and all short term rentals in RI. We invite you to learn more about that proposed legislation here and importantly, what you can do to help.



Short Term Rental owners or operators in Rhode Island that are registered with the state and follow the state & municipal regulations relating to STR's.

If you are not a STR owner/operator but are:

- A small RI business owner

- Person or family that vacations in RI

- Real estate agent/group

- A neighbor or friend that supports STR's 


You can still support our cause by making a donation below 




Carol - Charlestown

Carol rents out her primary home, a small 100 year old seaside cottage, on a short term basis in Charlestown, RI. Being a host supplements her social security check and income as an artist & photographer. She has been hosting wonderful guests for almost 10 years.


Jennifer - Providence

Jennifer is a divorced mom of 3, who works multiple jobs to support her family. With long term tenants in her multi-family home she dealt with abuse, vandalization, hoarding, and many more issues. For her family's safety and peace of mind, she tried short term renting as an alternative. Since then she has started helping other hosts manage their STR's and has hosted over 1200 guests, including over 60 Afghan refugees.


Paul & Cynthia - Jamestown

Paul and Cynthia have been hosts since they became empty-nesters and decided to rent their son's bedroom. It helps pay the mortgage but mostly they love sharing the beauty of the island and meeting new people. For them, life is a banquet to be shared with others.

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Katy & Tom - Middletown

Katy & Tom just renovated their house in Middletown RI. Located on their beautiful tree farm they now host short term stays for guests and families visiting helping them to raise their family. Their rental home also gives their family and friends a place to stay on their frequent visits from New Jersey. 



We urge you to please write or call your legislator and register opposition to these onerous bills. Click on the following link to locate your representative and senator :




Very importantly, when you write to your individual representative and senator, please copy 

Speaker of the House K. Joseph Shekarchi and Senate President Dominick Ruggerio.


Their contact information is as follows:

(401) 222-2447

(401) 222-6655



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Executive Director/Founder


Greer is a URI graduate and has been a short term rental host since 2018. Her family owned vacation cottages are located in historic Pawtuxet Village, RI. 


RISTRA was founded to unite short term rental hosts from all over Rhode Island, empowering their voices and giving them a platform to advocate for their interests. We are a grassroots non-profit organization, representing hosts from every town in the state.


We will work hard to ensure that the rights of short term rental hosts and Rhode Island homeowners are respected, and that our voices are heard. Join RISTRA today and become a part of a larger community.

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